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DecentrePX Frequently Asked Questions
Listing Agents
Buyer Agents
What is DecentrePX?
Who can use it?
Why do I need to verify my identity?
What does it cost?
Can bids be canceled?
What is the HouseLedger?
Listing Agents
How does DecentRE Property Exchange compensate agents?
How is DPX free for sellers?
What happens at the conclusion of the auction?
Buyer Agents
How does DecentRE Property Exchange compensate agents?
Why do I want others to see my client’s bid? Doesn’t that put my buyer at a disadvantage?
What happens when my Buyer has the winning bid?
What does it cost to list my home on DPX?
Can my agent list my home the traditional way AND on your platform?
Will potential buyers see my home on other real estate websites?
Why do I want other buyers to see other offers on my property? Doesn’t that put me at a disadvantage?
What is the Buyer Premium?
Why do I want other Buyers to see my bid? Doesn’t that put me at a disadvantage?
What happens when I have the winning bid?
Can I place a new bid if another Buyer comes in with a higher offer?
Can bids be canceled?